How to use

The Programme

Step 1: 6 really effective exercises for strengthening your hips and core, whether that’s for day to day strength, your chosen sport, or running

Step 2: Complete our Core One Programme before or alongside this programme

Step 3: Gradually and gently move from the beginner to the intermediate and then advanced reps and sets.

Step 4: Perform either at home or at the gym

Step 5: Perform 2 -3 times per week

Step 6: Walk around smugly with awesome legs and a sexy, strong bum 😏

Pre & Post Natal

If you are pregnant please consult with your GP before commencing this programme. Likewise, if you’re post-partum please consult your GP or a Physiotherapist before starting this programme.

If you are planning a pregnancy then research shows increasing strength in your hips and core BEFORE pregnancy can result in less muscular-skeletal dysfunction and pain during pregnancy, an easier birth due to stronger pelvic floor and abdominal muscles and enables a quicker physical recovery post-birth.


Teaching Points:

  • Start with one leg raised on a chair behind you.
  • Step /move forward to a comfortable position but aim for knees and ankles being at right angles or as close to as you can.
  • Drop your back knee down to the floor by “pushing” your knee back towards the chair.
  • Your front knee should stay in line with approximately your second toe.
  • Bend your front knee as low as comfortable, your bum and front knee should at least be parallel but ideally, your back knee should be almost touching the ground.


2 x 10 reps each leg

Rep Tempo: 2 seconds down and 2 seconds up (comfortable depth)

Perform 10 on each leg and then rest for 60 – 90 seconds

Once this is comfortable and you can perform reps below parallel move on to the intermediate reps and sets


3 x 12 reps each leg (knee finishing an inch or 2 off the ground)

Rep Tempo: 2 seconds down and 2 seconds up

Perform 12 on each leg and then rest for 60 – 90 seconds

Once this is comfortable move on to the advanced reps and sets


3 x 15 reps each leg (knee finishing an inch or 2 off the ground)

Rep Tempo: 2 seconds down and 2 seconds up

Perform 15 on each leg and then rest for 30 – 60 seconds

Usually, once someone is achieving 2- 3 sets of 10 – 15 reps with good technique I would progress to weighted sets or introduce another stimulus.

Teaching Points:

  • Lie on your back.
  • Bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor or you are on your heels depending on your level.
  • Push your hips as high to the ceiling as you can to activate glutes and hamstrings.
  • During the double-leg exercise, your lower back should be arched at your hip’s highest point.
  • On the single-leg exercise ensure your working glute and hamstring (leg with foot on the floor) doesn’t drop out to the side or dropdown. Your back should still arch at the top of the movement.
  • Control movement back down to the floor.


Heels flat on the floor, feet quite close to bum

Double Leg: 2 x 10 reps

Rep Tempo: 2 seconds down and 2 seconds up

Rest for 30 seconds

Once this is comfortable and you can perform ALL reps with a high hip squeeze, perform the same sets and reps but on your heels, once that is comfortable move on to the intermediate reps.


You can vary this in lots of ways by adjusting your foot position and or moving on to your heels

Double Leg: 2-3 x 15 reps

Rep Tempo: 2 seconds down and 2 seconds up

Rest for 30 seconds

Once this is comfortable move on to the advanced reps and sets


Start on your heels with your knee approximately half bent

Single Leg: 8 – 15 reps each leg (you will need to find the right rep range for your foot position)

Rep Tempo: 2 seconds down and 2 seconds up

Rest for 30 seconds

Teaching Points:

  • Start with both feet together and knees “unlocked” or very slightly bent.
  • Take one foot off the ground, push your bum backward and reach down to your opposite shin or outside of your opposite ankle with your hand.
  • Stand back up straight, knee still “unlocked”.
  • You can either put your foot on the ground for a moment or keep your foot off the ground and perform your second rep.
  • Perform all reps on one leg before switching sides.
  • Remember, it’s your opposite hand touching your opposite ankle.
  • The goal is to perform all reps slowly and controlled with minimal wobbling – use wall or chair if needed for balance.


Put your foot on the floor after every rep, and or use a wall or chair for extra balance

2 x 8 reps

Rep tempo: 2 seconds down and 2 seconds up

Perform on both sides before resting for 30 seconds


Put your foot on the floor only when needed, do not use a wall or chair for a balance

3 x 8 reps

Rep tempo: 2 seconds down and 2 seconds up

Perform on both sides before resting for 20 seconds


Perform all reps with your foot off the ground throughout, do not use a chair or wall for extra balance

3 x 8 reps

Rep tempo: 2 seconds down and 2 seconds up

Perform on both sides before resting for 20 seconds

You can make this even more challenging by performing reps with your eyes closed.

Teaching Points:

  • Lie on your side with a band around your ankles.
  • Lift your leg up as high as you can – a full range of movement is key!
  • Keep knee “locked out” and toes pulled back towards you.
  • DO NOT rotate your leg / hip outwards, it should remain straight throughout.
  • Control leg back down to the start position – rest it momentarily on your other leg if needed before you perform your next rep.


Start with a light resistance band, or if needed without a band

3 x 10 reps

Rep tempo: 2 seconds up and 2 seconds down

Perform on both sides before resting for 30 – 60 seconds


Move on to a light or medium resistance band

3 x 12 – 15 reps

Rep tempo: 2 seconds up and 2 seconds down

Perform on both sides before resting for 30 – 45 seconds

Your foot should not touch down or rest after each rep


Perform with either a medium or heavy resistance band – just ensure the band is not too heavy that you can’t lift your leg through its full range!

3 x 12 – 15 reps

Rep tempo: 2 seconds up, pause and hold at the top for 2 seconds, and then 2 seconds down

Perform on both sides before resting for 30 – 60 seconds

Your foot should not touch down or rest after each rep

Teaching Points:

  • Start with your feet about shoulder-width apart.
  • Knees should be “unlocked” or slightly bent.
  • Have your arms straight with the band taut behind your head / ears, shoulder blades pulled down and squeezed together.
  • As you bend at the waist, push your bum away – this will help create tension on your glutes and hamstrings.
  • Finish at horizontal, maintaining a neutral spine position throughout.

All Levels : 

3 x 10 – 15 reps

Rep tempo: 2 seconds up and 2 seconds down

30 seconds rest

Please note! This is a challenging exercise! In our Core One programme we teach the 4 Point Hold.

Teaching Points:

  • Start in a push-up position, hands and feet approximately shoulder-width apart.
  • Your bum should be just under parallel to your shoulders and this is the position you need to hold throughout.
  • Take one leg off the ground and hold for 2 to 5 seconds, aim for your bum to finish above your hip line.
  • Avoid compensatory movements as much as you can!
  • Keep your leg straight throughout.
  • This is also a good exercise for building upper body strength!


No Band

3 x 8 reps

Rep tempo: 2 seconds up and 2 seconds down

Rest for 15 seconds, repeat on the other leg, and then rest for 30 – 60 seconds


No Band but adding in a “hold” in the top position

3 x 10 reps

Rep tempo: 2 seconds up, 2 seconds hold at the top, and then 2 seconds down

Rest for 15 seconds, repeat on the other leg, and then rest for 30 – 60 seconds


Light – Medium Band with a “hold” at the top

3 x 10 reps

Rep tempo: 2 seconds up, 2 to 5 seconds hold at the top, and then 2 seconds down

Rest for 15 seconds, repeat on the other leg, and then rest for 30 – 60 seconds