Weight Loss Tip

, Elixan

Trying to lose weight and doing jump based exercises at the gym – then READ this first!

This a very quick read, less than 60 seconds!

Jumped based exercises are for improving athletic performance NOT for a “cardio / calorie burn” workout for the every-day gym goer!

Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest!

Doing jump based exercises at the gym to lose weight or to burn calories should really be avoided as the risk of injury when doing these types of exercises, for most of us, is REALLY high and there are far safer and equally effective ways to “burn calories”.

Athletes generally wouldn’t start jump based exercises until they have the ability to squat and lunge properly. Some athletes won’t start jump based exercises until they can squat 1 x their body weight (in fact, often a squat of 1.5 or 2 x their body weight is required). This ensures tendons on muscles are strong enough to tolerate the load.

They also spend a considerable amount of time learning how to jump, but MOST importantly how to LAND properly.

And, athletes definitely wouldn’t do high repetitions of jump based exercises as many people do regularly in gym classes!

So, you can see how the average person like you and me can easily end up getting injured doing jump based exercise if we aren’t conditioned properly –  which will most likely mean a few weeks, or even months, injured and missing valuable gym time!

The answer is something along the lines of using an exercise bike for HIGH INTENSE workouts / calorie burning as it’s super safe so pretty much anyone can do it!

Here is one idea, either choose one and work up to 8-10 intervals or try all 3 in one session – rest for several minutes at least between each session if performing them all.

Most importantly – make it work for your level / needs.

Have fun!

Bike Session 1:
60 seconds 70% intensity
60 seconds comfortable recovery pace
X 4

Bike Session 2:
30 seconds 80% intensity
30 seconds comfortable recovery pace
X 4

Bike Session 3:
15 seconds 90% intensity
45 seconds comfortably recovery pace
X 4

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