Achieve your Health & Fitness Goals with my 6 Pillars of Wellness

Health coaching is about finding the right path for each person.

Together we address the underlying issues that keep you from looking and feeling your best, with a personalised program built with your needs in mind.

The conversation I have with perspective clients usually begins with weight loss but 9 times out of 10 the focus quickly switches to areas such as stress management, better sleep, and improving energy levels. With these elements addressed usually weight loss becomes far easier.

Read through the boxes below and then contact us using the button below to discuss how we can help.

Contact us here

Stress, Sleep and Anxiety Levels

Improve Your —

  • response to stress + anxiety
  • competing priorities
  • lack of motivation
  • work/life balance
  • sleep or specific sleep conditions
  • supplements and optimal nutrition are paramount here


Transform your —

  • immune response
  • digestive issues
  • food intolerances
  • autoimmune issues
  • specific gut conditions
  • gut health can be a key area as complaints such as fatigue, sleep problems, stress and anxiety, although not obvious gut health issues, all have strong links to your gut microbiome

Hormonal Balancing

Relieve your —

  • PMT + menstruation issues
  • mood + energy + fatigue
  • PCOS
  • aches + pains
  • stress management
  • the right exercise at specific times of your cycle

Exercise / Gym

Enjoy individualised —

  • exercise or workout plans
  • injury prevention advice
  • activity goals
  • exercise preferences tailored to exactly what you want and need depending on your current level of health and exercise experience

Food / Diet

Address your –

  • eating habits / food relationships
  • food choices / specific diets
  • nutrient profile
  • calorie awareness
  • food psychology


Improve your —

  • sleep habits
  • awareness and intuition of what your body wants at specific times
  • alcohol awareness
  • relationships + networks
  • gratitude